Ever wonder why many celebrities look so striking in front of a camera? They know expression, posture, and pose are key elements to a beautiful photograph. While appearing candid and approachable, relaxed and confident, in reality many of the finest portraits are often posed. More than most other types of photography, portraits are much more than lighting and camera technique. A captivating portrait is indeed, primarily about expression, the eyes generating a transparency to the soul. Since most people are not trained to command expression, head tilt, and body position on cue, we educate as we photograph. Some of the techniques may even help improve your everyday snapshots.
Portraits often embody a diverse variety of styles and genres, from traditional studio style pageant, modeling, and acting headshots, to location centered senior and family portraits. Need to update your professional profile photograph or pageant headshot? Drawn to a specific location or background with an epic senior portrait fashion shoot in mind? From clean and simple natural light to lavish studio lit location shoots, we can realize nearly any vision with unparalleled precision.